Friday, July 28, 2006

It's too quiet.
I'm back in UNIMAS now, settling down into the teeth-grinding routine of getting up, goin to class, studying and going back to sleep. It doesn't sound so bad, but after weeks and weeks of doing the same things in the same order in the same way, I get a little edgy.
Yes, I can hear some of you going "Just wait til you get to working life..." We all need to feed our goldfish. But I can't help feeling confined, like I've been stuffed into a square box two sizes too small. What's worse, I'm bored. Now I know one of the reasons doomsday predictions are so popular. People want it to be the end of the world.
Not in the morbid sort of way. Nobody can actually picture themselves burnt to cinders or crushed by gigantic falling mountains. When someone says doomsday is coming, the believers can be divided into three types:
1) the "I'm gonna go to heaven and you suckers aren't" variety
2) the "I'm gonna be a hero like Bruce in Armageddon, except I'll find a way not to get blown to bits and find a hot chick" variety
and last but not least
3) the "i told you so" variety
Of course the lines aren't always so clearly divided. Most of the time, category 1 and 3 find themselves in one irritating package.
What do I think about doomsday? Well, all things end. Dinosaurs, Mammoths, Dodos, Seinfeld. There will be an end to the human race. Someday. Optimistically, maybe we'll just come to the end of our time, like all things do, and go out quietly. We'll leave behind marvels and knowledge that will puzzle some new younger civilization. On the other hand, we might blow ourselves up. Frankly, I hope we don't go out with a bang.


Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.