Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oh my.
It's been one of those days.
Rainy, muddy, gloomy and utterly depressing.
And to make things worse, my internet connection is bein such a bitch.
But hey thats life aite.
Neways i jz got a number of frantic text messages that the dreaded orang minyak has been sighted in USM.
Now frankly, this is a serious issue. I'm not sure if you're familiar with orang minyak lore. The orang minyak (literally oil man) is a serial rapist that thru some mojo or black magic cannot be caught (thought to be due to a magic spell that makes his body oily, and hence impossible to hold on to).
Frankly, i think the orang minyak is one of the poorer products of malay kampung literature, but the threat that he symbolizes is very real. I'm not sure what steps USM is taking to deal with the threat of a rapist on campus grounds, but I have been informed that basic safety announcements have been made (which means that if something happens to you, it's your own bloody fault because the university already WARNED you). I sincerely hope the USM and student hostel administration have the good sense and responsibility to increase security and ensure the safety of their students.
Rubi and Nadia, no late night walks please.


Nadia said...

The Safety Announcement at Desasiswa Saujana (this is not a joke):

Pray to God and He will safe us!

Dhanen Mahes said...

I'm sure he will. He's been doin a swell job so far.

Nadia said...

i dont appreciate you making fun of my God